Attention: Pre-diabetic and Diabetic Health Professionals

It's time for YOU to invest some time in your own health!

Whether you have diabetes or  you provide care for those with diabetes, you can't afford to miss this amazing summit featuring Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. Sutliffe, Dr. Youngberg and many other professionals in the lifestyle and health arena.

This virtual summit  is based on cutting edge science and the personal experience of over a dozen experts. You will learn HOW TO:  
  • Optimize lifestyle interventions  in your plan of care
  • Reverse Diabetes using a whole-person approach
  •  Take care of yourself so that you can keep caring for others
  • ​And much more!

Runs at the end of July, 2022. You will get emails with the link to each presentation as they are released and you will have access to each one for 24 hours for FREE!

Grab Your Free Ticket Now!
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Know Your Numbers Guide
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A Simple Guide to Key Diabetic Blood Tests
This handout lists the key tests for assessing metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes, and Diabetes (Types 1&2). This handy guide will enable you to have a quick reference on the most important labs needed to prioritize your choices to increase your health, happiness, and longevity. It also will make sure that you have the data you need to design the best plan of care for your clients. Some things we never learned in school...
We value your privacy and would never spam you. By entering your name and email above, you are consenting to Lucia Tiffany, the host of PROVEN DIABETES REVERSAL summit to email you during the event and afterward with selected and relevant information.
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